Active Learning
People who play together, stay together. Improve personal confidence, interpersonal relationships, team cohesiveness and communication skills by setting an out of the workplace challenge.
Working days: afloat in the Solent; on hills, moorland or mountains (with or without snow) are some of the best platforms to develop teams. Getting Coaching Afloat or at Altitude are high impact experiences.
Clarify and refine your management team's ethos and commitment, establish common beliefs and values, address workplace elephants or take time to get to know one another within a common yet totally different context. Trigger some of the most powerful learning and development you've ever had.
Reinforce achievement and performance by an awayday that yet further enahances their personal and team development and performance. "We now have a clear idea as to how to improve what we do...and how we need to communicate differently....and I got to drive a 54' yacht. Fantastic!". A Hogg Robinson delegate at the end of a one day Getting Coaching Afloat.
Generate a new development or underpin a current one through Getting Coaching Afloat. 'Up to an 80% increase in effectiveness of training achieved through coaching follow up.' Hay Group (2007)
Potential events include:
Dartmoor Traverse
Black Mountains Adventure
Solent Treasure Hunt
Zapcat Experience
Racing in Cowes Week
Three Peaks Challenge
"Everyone was buzzing after yesterday’s session. Many thanks."
Get Active. Get Away